Proto Hebraic



 1.) Download the Proto-Hebraic font folder. 
 2.) Unzip the folder by right-clicking the .zip folder and then clicking Extract. ..
 3.) Right-click on the files to preview the fonts, and click Install.
 4.) Install the Proto-Hebraic, Paleo-Hebraic, and Holocaust Memorial Fonts.
 5.) Read the End User Agreement with Cube Ministries.
 6.) Begin Using the Proto-Hebraic font stack.


 Proto-Hebraic is on its way to becoming a web browser interface.
Access requires PC users to install two certificates into their web browser. 

All websites are being converted into secure sites. 

The certificates must be installed into PROTO HEBRAIC Explorer™ before being installed into Firefox or Google Chrome.

 1.) Visit
 2.) Download InstallRoot 5.0 by clicking on DISA.
 3.) Navigate to where you downloaded InstallRoot 5.0,
 and open and run the installer.
 4.) After installation of the IntallRoot application,
 install the certificates by clicking “Run InstallRoot”.
 5.) Follow Instructions for Firefox or Google Chrome.
 6.) Click Finish.

 Return to the certificates window and click the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" tab. Click the Browse button, name the file "trust" and save it.


 1.) Download the Proto-Hebraic Fonts.
 2.) Go to Settings.
 3.) Select the Accessibility menu.
 4.) Click on Subtitles and Captioning, then click Style.
 5.) Choose “Proto-Hebraic” as a captioning font.
 6.) Click Save.
To customize the captions, select Settings located to the right of the captions. You can
 choose from various language and style settings in the Caption settings.

 >settings >accessibility >captioning >proto-hebraic font
 >optional connected experiences >proto-hebraic captioning


 Natural Language Processing in Proto-Hebraic Widget
 Proto-Hebraic (Java Script) Embeddable in HTML Websites
 Speech-To-Text Proto-Hebraic Transcription Software
 Transcripts, Captions, and Subtitles Portal
 Data Resources, Models, Tools, and Services
 Engagement Infographics, Interactive Map, Embedable Video
 Caption Dapp Web Application

 Programming and Running the 22-Core Web Captioning Application
 Connected Experiences by Programmer GK

 Attn: W3C,
 I started animating captioning elements for dynamic effects in Java. My window object is an instant 22-core glyph. I am employing the array cube symbols as objects. My Javascript operation has 22 core values and precedence. The software helps people to utilize decentralized captioning. The use of examples will determine and control flow. My app securely stores dialogue messages, location, and time. I aim to extract, sort, and exchange this data using encrypted Javascript Code that serves our country.

My goal is to write and run the web application. You can help me by downloading the software that I have just written.


22 Core Interoperability

 22core interoperability has enabled computer systems to connect and communicate with one another. Different manufacturers and industries have come together for 22 core interoperability standards by using 22-bit visual binary code to exchange information between databases and applications, including
 blockchain-tokenized improvement pathways. We believe that 22 core visual binary code is an innovation pathway and an improvement pathway. As 22 core interoperability has its way in our world, we will find new applications: new memory, new strategy, new communication, new navigation, and new teamwork. Cube Ministries is transferring knowledge from the military to the civilian sphere via market ventures. The alliance enterprise and linkage industries hold a network of nodes that can be governed and protected independently. The cross-fertilization of military expertise with a favourable environment for high-tech entrepreneurship enables us to monetize the instruments of peace and security.

The Proto-Hebraic Torah

Proto-Hebraic Online Study

The Proto-Hebraic Scroll

The Proto-Hebraic Torah of Solomon

Graeme Kilshaw

   There are metaphysical implications of proto-hebraic and paleo-hebraic codes. This adds mystery and value to the message that I am placing intact into the cracks of the Wailing Wall. This is an alternative to hate, that will give Jewish children a voice. I aim to use this message to connect with University Professors in The Holy Land. Our cube and its code create value for historians, archeologists, scholars, and theologians. I aim to connect with the Rabbis to produce a proto-Hebraic Torah. Our proto-Hebraic Torah and cube represent a cognitive centre of gravity and a code of light. It will be an instrument of peace, mercy, and grace for future Jewish education in Israel and abroad. Proto-Hebraic is like a divine pedestal for the Jewish psyche. Ephesians 2:17 states “Yeshua came and preached the good news to you Gentiles who were far away from God, and to the Jews who were near to Him.”  The proto-Hebraic code elevates the position of our Master and Judge. The message of the proto-Hebraic Torah is good news for all Jews. The transpositions have been corrected, and the word YHWH is now associated with the five vowels as they vibrate from the five books of the spoken Torah. Translating the Torah helped me understand my metaphysical condition and Jewish roots. And Freemasonry was like a portal to the mystery wisdom that enabled me to learn and grow from the cube code and the Proto-Hebraic Torah of Solomon.  


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